Home > A Poem for the Thrifty

A Poem for the Thrifty

June 5th, 2013 at 08:40 pm

Not written by me.

I ran across this in a book in the thrift store, and figured it would be on the internet. Sure enough, it is.

Flour Sack Underwear

When I was a Maiden fair,
Mama made our underwear.
With five tots & Pa's poor pay,
How could she buy us lingerie?

Monograms & fancy stitches
were not on OUR flour sack britches.
Panty waists that stood the test
With Gold Medal on the Chest.

Little pants the best of all
With a scene I still recall:
Harvesters were gleaning wheat
Right across the little seat.

Tougher than a grizzly bear
Was our flour sack underwear.
Plain or fancy, three feet wide,
stronger than a hippos hide.

Through the years each Jill & Jack
Wore this sturdy garb of sack.
Waste not, want not, we soon learned,
Penny saved, a penny earned.

Bedspreads, curtains, tea towels, too.
Tablecloths to name a few.
But the best beyond compare
was our Flour Sack Underwear!

Ruth Gettle
This poem is in the book "The Old-Time Art of Thrift"

I think flour sack undies belong to a different generation; I have never worn them.

Perhaps T-shirt underwear could be the flour sack underwear of this generation. I have put together some of those. You can google if you don't know what that would be. An extra large men's t-shirt for $1 at the thrift store can be turned into two or three pairs.

4 Responses to “A Poem for the Thrifty”

  1. Petunia 100 Says:

    That made me smile, thanks for sharing. Smile

    My mom, who is from Oklahoma and was 5 years old when the dust bowl started, has worn feed sack dresses. She has never mentioned any flour sack undies, though.

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Cute! This week I cut up an early 90's calico dress and made something really easy: Bandanas. I still have most of the pin-tucked top and the sleeves. Might make a little rosette pin with part of it. Maybe just a couple ties for tomato vine.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    I bet most kids were turn up their noses at such lingerie. Thanks for sharing.

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    I remember watching a show and they showed about how during WWII fabric was scarce in Great Britain. The flour companies started making their bags of fabric that was pretty. Checked or polka dotted, etc. Then the women could make dresses or blouses or skirts from the fabric.

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