The frugal approach to lighting: sit around in the dark.
In May or so the light fixture over our dining table shorted out. That’s a time of year we have plenty of daytime (although we may or may not have plenty of light – depends on the cloud cover). Mr H removed the old fixture and put caps* on the wires. . I wasn’t heart-broken to see it go. The fixture was ugly and had lots of clear glass. No matter how often I cleaned it it always looked dirty.
We’ve been light-less in that area of the house since then. I have spent hours looking for a new fixture – local stores, the internet and Craig’s list. Due to space (small) and location (two other nearby fixtures) I’m looking for something specific. I really don’t want to spend several hundred dollars on a light fixture.
It’s getting darker now and because of that I finally bought a fixture via Craig’s list for $5. The seller was nearby and Mr H installed the new-to-us fixture in 10 minutes. The new fixture isn’t really the right thing either, but we will get our $5 out of it. I’m going to keep looking for something that looks better in that space.
*Do I know what these things are called? No, not really.
The Frugal Approach to Lighting
September 28th, 2010 at 05:17 am
September 28th, 2010 at 02:08 pm 1285679286
September 29th, 2010 at 04:20 am 1285730418